March 2024 Centre Meeting:

As project leaders congregated for their monthly meeting on March 20th, 2024, the spirit of unity and collaboration permeated the air, guided by the wisdom of 1 Corinthians 1:10. With a theme centered around the essence of effective teamwork, the gathering embarked on a journey of introspection and growth. Kicking off the session, Gregory, RC Communications Officer, set the stage by presenting the minutes from the previous meeting. With everyone synchronized, the discussion seamlessly transitioned to the core theme of the day: effective teamwork, led by Veronica Mukati (Programs Manager).

Fueling the discourse, a captivating video ignited reflections and insights among the attendees, catalyzing an exchange that delved deep into the nuances of fostering robust communication within our dynamic team. Under Veronica's facilitation, thought-provoking inquiries sparked dialogues, unveiling diverse perspectives on communication practices.

Onto the organization’s updates, Albanous Gituru, our Operations Manager, took the spotlight, intertwining reflections on effective teamwork with a profound acknowledgment of individual contributions. Embracing transparency, he gracefully accepted ownership of past communication lapses, paving the way for an environment of open dialogue and mutual respect. Proposing bi-weekly check-ins as a conduit for enhanced connectivity, Albanous epitomized our commitment to nurturing meaningful relationships within our ecosystem.

The discourse organically evolved, giving voice to concerns surrounding clarity in task delegation and the need for a cohesive reporting structure. These insights underscored our collective aspiration for a more collaborative, streamlined approach to problem-solving, fostering alignment and efficiency at every juncture.

Embracing constructive criticism as a cornerstone of leadership, Albanous championed the ethos of honesty and camaraderie, urging each member to proactively engage in shaping our collective journey towards excellence. Encouraging empowerment and accountability, his words resonated with a call to action, igniting a shared commitment to elevate our standards of communication and collaboration.

Chrescent, our HR manager, navigated concerns regarding internal communication, seamlessly segueing into pivotal financial updates. Festus Mwaniki from Finance echoed sentiments of gratitude for the team's unwavering support during recent audits, underlining our collective dedication to accountability and transparency.

Then followed a tapestry of updates spanning various departments, tales of progress and challenges unfolded, painting a vivid portrait of our collective impact on the community. From transformative health initiatives to advocacy efforts amplifying community voices, each narrative underscored our unwavering commitment to holistic growth and empowerment.

As Gregory concluded with updates on Salama Center's endeavors, from securing new grants to embarking on impactful outreach programs, a sense of purpose and optimism filled the room, reaffirming our collective resolve to transcend boundaries and effect positive change.

In essence, our March gathering transcended the realms of a mere meeting, evolving into a beacon of collaboration, growth, and unwavering commitment to our shared mission. As we navigate the path ahead, guided by the principles of unity and excellence, we stand poised to surmount any challenge and seize every opportunity, united in our pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.

By: Lavina Anyango

Ruben Centre