
About Us

Ruben Centre is a faith-based organization striving for an empowered and just Mukuru community by providing quality education, health, financial and social services to children and families in Mukuru community.

The Ruben Centre is a non-profit, charity organization run by the Christian Brothers African Province. It is one of eight Christian Brother’s project sites across Africa, and offers educational, health and community development programmes to the residents of one of the largest slums in Nairobi (known as both the Ruben Slum as well as Mukuru community).

History of Ruben Centre

The establishment of the primary school in 1986 saw the beginning of what is now known as the Ruben Centre. Sister Mary Killeen, a Mercy Sister was the founder of this school. In 1992, the management of the school was handed over to the Japanese NGO African Education Fund (AEF). In 1995, the first class of KCPE students completed their primary education. However the AEF withdrew after six years, leaving the school and fledgling clinic they had established in a precarious state. Sr. Mary Killeen continued again as the Administrator.

In 1998 the first Teachers Service Commission teachers were employed, and the school was registered as a Kenyan government school. Vocational Classes for Carpentry and Dress Making and Tailoring were also started. In 2000 the Christian Brothers responded to Sr. Mary’s invitation to administer Ruben Centre, as it became known. In 2001, Br. Bob Aron the first Christian Brother Manager initiated some developments, including drainage, playing field and toilets. However the most significant new development was the building of a police post by the Christian Brothers, bringing with it improved security and a new confidence within the local community, concerning the Centre’s permanence. In 2003 the very primitive clinic was replaced by a new modern Clinic, which offered more services. Also that year, the Kenyan government initiated free primary education and this ushered in a huge expansion in the student population. Since then the Ruben Centre has extensively grown and to date we have eight operational programs.


"Sed dictum ante a leo cursus mattis. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit ipsum at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium. Suspendisse ultrices, tellus vitae varius convallis, ipsum justo commodo dui, a feugiat mauris turpis ut turpis."

— Donovan Mafnas, Impact Volunteer


Nullam porta ipsum augue, ac dapibus est lobortis id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi non enim at nibh consequat commodo. Cras consectetur maximus felis tempus sagittis. Pellentesque ut lectus justo. Etiam iaculis sollicitudin neque, sed convallis velit fringilla vitae. Sed scelerisque elementum velit vitae pretium. Nam sem ante, hendrerit id neque vel, vehicula fermentum lacus. Vestibulum velit enim, malesuada eget neque at, rutrum ornare felis. Nam volutpat, metus sit amet maximus dignissim, ex nunc rutrum ligula, vel maximus massa ligula eu ante.

Nulla quam risus, sodales ac libero sodales, commodo hendrerit dui. Fusce lacinia lobortis elit. Maecenas euismod nisl quis tellus blandit fermentum. Ut scelerisque est et lectus sollicitudin, ac tristique enim laoreet. In aliquam mi leo, non blandit tellus pellentesque vitae. Nunc et ipsum quis velit pellentesque congue. Quisque ac mi feugiat, posuere tellus non, pretium ex. Nullam ante ipsum, pharetra eget lacus sit amet, facilisis porta neque. Morbi suscipit pulvinar dolor sollicitudin congue. Phasellus consequat at lacus sed venenatis. Sed sollicitudin sem dapibus massa vestibulum, blandit hendrerit ante euismod. Duis bibendum fringilla quam eget sagittis. Etiam at libero risus. Duis at hendrerit nunc.

Duis risus felis, rutrum ac purus blandit, eleifend porttitor risus. Ut non dignissim tellus. Vestibulum ultrices vitae sem a accumsan. Phasellus scelerisque elit eu neque mollis venenatis. Phasellus vitae velit porta, eleifend dui a, aliquam quam. Integer tristique suscipit nunc, at varius ante suscipit nec. Aenean vel venenatis nunc. Phasellus in odio dolor. Sed id dolor porta, efficitur lectus vitae, sagittis nibh. Nunc pharetra vulputate nisi, ac consectetur nibh semper non.