Physical Education: Fun and Games at the Ruben School

Pupils in the lower and upper primary classes of the Ruben School are engaged in vibrant activities in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) from Monday to Friday every week. The children are engaged in co-curricular activities such as physical education, gymnastics, puppetry and aerobics. 

These activities are driven with a guiding and supervisory approach towards learners in the upper and lower primary divisions through trained professionals from the Ruben Centre. Evan Mucheru Gitau and Kelvin Kamuhia work with the school in mobilizing the schoolchildren during the sessions which start as early as 8:50 a.m and end at 12.40 p.m.

During these activities, learners cultivate skills such as time management and a positive attitude towards the improvement of their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Good interpersonal communication and relationship skills are additional qualities that the young learners develop amongst each other from the co-curricular sessions.

A physical education session in motion at the Ruben School grounds.                                                                                  Photo:Stephen Tengo.

A physical education session in motion at the Ruben School grounds. Photo:Stephen Tengo.

“Great visions such as an empowered Mukuru community are achieved through grassroot steps such as keeping the young boys and girls fit,” said Evan Mucheru, a physical education instructor.

Extra-curricular activities move away from the traditionally defined mode of classroom learning into integrating learners with their immediate environment. This enables the pupils to learn from their environment and hence safeguarding it as a vital resource to acquiring knowledge.

The co-curricular activities are conducted in the Ruben Centre Main Hall and the Ruben School field spaces. In the event of a circumstance requiring medical attention emerge from the physical activities, the learners are referred to the Ruben Health Centre.

The Ruben Health Centre then performs necessary tests and provides a well-informed diagnosis. Further safety measures which are put in place include the use of cushioned mats in the hall during gymnastics, aerobics, fire training and juggling sessions. Each of the sessions last for a maximum of thirty minutes.

Interclass competitions, talent shows, singing and dancing competitions are held at the end of every term to promote friendly competition among the young learners. These events also prevent the young children from engaging in immoral vices such as drug abuse and violence, which destroy the potential of many youth.

“I love the sessions because they are fun and make me look forward to school,” averred Stacy, a pupil from the Ruben School in attesting her passion for singing.

“Equipment is essential in doing more to keep the young minds engaged during the physical education sessions,” Kelvin Kamuhia, an aerobics instructor recommended.

All work and no play make children's lives dull. Wellwishers, donors and activity enthusiasts with the desire to enrich the physical education program in one way or the other, are encouraged to reach out to the Ruben Centre through the official communication channels outlined on the Ruben Centre website.

Written by Stephen Tengo.

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